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Product Reviews


*Jamie D. Says-

        On a scale of 1 to 10- 10 being the very best, what would your overall score be for the Cavvy Cover? 10

2. What are things that you liked the most about Cavvy Cover? 1)Privacy, 2)Guaranteed enough material to cover oneself.

3)Baby cannot pull the cover off to expose moms body.

4) Can switch breasts easily and stil...l be covered.

5)Gave me more of a relaxed feel because the cover was more than just a small square of material compared my other covers.

6)Baby's face doesn't get covered by material , they can actually breath.

7. What are things you liked the least about Cavvy Cover? The cover worked great for me. Its a well thought out breastfeeding cover. Whenever I used it I was relieved to have it so I cherish it and didn't look at it with a negative perspective . I'm grateful to own one!

8. What would you change or add to make Cavvy Cover better? I wish I could have used mine longer i had to stop bfeeding at 6 months but the first 6 were great having this product!

9. Do you have a special story about how Cavvy Cover worked well/ or not well for you? I decided to take my very newborn baby boy to sea world with my 4 1/2 year old daughter. She wanted to watch the Shamu show. The bleacher seats were filled. Rows of people behind me(and above me ! ) As I was struggling to feed my new baby and keep an eye on my 4 year old the Cavvy cover helped me feel secure and unexposed . When I used the Cavvy cover no one above me could see down to what I was doing. The privacy was really comforting and allowed me to relax and in turn kept my baby relaxed. It was a win win situation. We had a great time .

10. Is there anything you think would be good information for others to know about this product? This product is intended to give great coverage when breastfeeding. As as mom on the go, I am not home often and being a breastfeeding advocate I wanted to do it confidently and proudly without fumbling all around trying to keep myself under a tiny piece of material .I had done that before with my previous child and my other cover I had before owning a Cavvy cover. A wonderful product that is well thought out! I recommIloend it to anyone that will be or is already breastfeeding.

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